Moving Out

Final Artwork! =)

Final Artwork! =)

Music video

Clay Render

Clay Render

The only assets that I ended up using Substance Painter. I kept the character clothes gray because it was faster to fine tweak the color inside 3ds Max using Vray's IPR

The only assets that I ended up using Substance Painter. I kept the character clothes gray because it was faster to fine tweak the color inside 3ds Max using Vray's IPR

nonamenosocks original artwork!

nonamenosocks original artwork!

A quick timelapse! =)

A quick timelapse! =)

A couple of months ago I had the pleasure to discover Nonamenosocks' work and it blew my mind away! So I decided to make this study of recreating his awesome work with a 3D style! =)

Please take some time to admire his beautiful work on his Twitter!

Thank you for watching and I hope you like it!